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Men Getting Vasectomies Improves Women’s Health and Should Be the Next Social Media Challenge


From the shampoo to Tide Pod to the most recent and possibly dangerous one, the crate challenge, social media has revealed America to be intellectually challenged. It’s in that spirit that we propose a new challenge that may help curb social ills: the vasectomy challenge.

We were inspired by a Facebook post by L.J. Castro: Today I made a big decision. A lot of people called me crazy because of how young I am for getting this procedure. Today I got a vasectomy. It was quick, and painless. Oh and INSURANCE COVERS IT, if don’t have insurance it’s only $700. Women’s birth control kills their body and a lot of times can have bad side effects. And the crazy thing is vasectomies are reversible. Not only that, there are so many kids that would love to be adopted and honestly that’s my plan. Until then I have my dog who is my son in my eyes.

Guys stop being selfish, women go through a lot, get the procedure, especially if you’re just getting women pregnant without being in their lives.

I’m not crazy I’m fair and understanding. (Excuse any grammatical errors, I still feel loopy from the anesthesia).

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