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What Does Thirst Trap Mean? #ThirstTrapThursday


Set a scene, get the right angle, reveal a little thigh, and snap! A thirst trap is a sexy photo posted on social media to attract attention. It can also refer to a person considered sexy—a social-media crush.


Posting seductive images on social sites like Instagram, where the thirst trap is best known, is nothing new. The name for the practice, though, appears on Twitter and Urban Dictionary by 2011, drawing on thirsty, slang for “thirsting for attention,” and trap in the sense of “lure.”

By 2016, thirst traps had become such a thing that popular publications from BuzzFeed to Vibe compiled year-end “Best Thirst Traps” of celebrities, including Drake, LL Cool J, Kim Kardashian, and Serena Williams.

Emerging from selfie culture, the well-staged thirst trap is a provocative photo, often with a coy or confident caption, that will trap (attract) thirst(attention, in the form of comments, likes, etc.). On Instagram, they are often hashtagged “#ThirstTrapThursdays.” What’s the point of posting if no one is going to notice?

We asked our Thursday Thirst Trap Chaz, how he segued from most travel pics to wearing a black jockstrap, and being, well, worthy of the thirst trap moniker. Chaz told us, “What lead up to these photos is lately I’ve been feeling completely comfortable being naked.”

We’re worse than teenage poetry.
Fragment ideas and too many pronouns.


This is me with the words
On the tip of my tongue


Literate and stylish
Kissable and quiet


Follow Chaz on Instagram.


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