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Is It Legal To Operate a Lemonade Stand Where You Live?


Is it legal to operate a lemonade stand in the state where you live? Shockingly, it’s only legal in 16 States.

While lemonade stands are ubiquitous in Norman Rockwell paintings and the Peanuts comics, urban dwellers may think them long since vanished. However the rise of the mega suburbs led to a resurgence of the quaint and innocuous tradition in some enclaves.

The upcoming July 4th holiday kicks off lemonade stand season across the country.

Until the police come. In Texas, the governor went out of his way to call for their closure. If they do crack down where you live, you can be comforted to know that Country Time Lemonade will be there for you.


The Country Time Legal-Ade website says its services are available to residents of the United States who are the parent or legal guardian of a child younger than 14 years old operating a stand.

If the fine complies with Country Time’s list of terms, you will receive the exact amount to cover the permit or fine up to $300. Country Time’s website has been updated with a map to show residents exactly where they’re legally allowed to set up shop. 

Along with covering fines, the company is also encouraging political activism, by urging parents to contact state representatives to lobby for the laws to be appealed. Country Time is offering downloadable yard signs to rally for the cause. 

USA Today

Happy Fourth of July!


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